Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rivers and Rocks: Marjory Stoneman Douglas

 I did not know Everglades could be roughly translated to "Shining Grass" or their Indian name "Grassy Waters." Saw grass or sedge is one of the oldest botanical in the world. "Hatchee" means river and "slough" means open swampy places. I guess I knew slough.
    Its scary to think of South Florida as an island. But if global warming keeps up Lehigh will be the new Fort Myers Beach.
   Lake Okeechobee is 21 feet above sea level. The Everglades dips at a rate of a half foot for every 6 miles.
    The Everglades Keys became famous because this is where White settlers believed the Indians retreated to caves when a hurricane was brewing. They would be given warning of the impending storm by the blossoming of the saw grass.

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