Sunday, November 20, 2011

Noise pollution and a child determine outcome for world's greatest ecosystem

     The Endgame article by Micheal Grunwald is a sad reminder of the influences in political decisions. I wish people were able to draw conclusions about building the airport in the Everglades without reflecting on the officials because of their actions in the Elian Gonzales fiasco. Yes, I can see the correlation that can be drawn  to how bad actions on the American government will give a bad image to all involved and sometimes when you vote their isn't a specific breakdown they way we would like to see it be, however; penalizing a senator over the actions of the Elian Gonzales case by going against his decision to protect the Everglades is illogical. It is also sad that a key issue in protecting the Everglades comes down to the noise pollution that would be traveling over Ocean Reef, a wealthy community in the Keys MORE than the ecological sustainability of the Everglades themselves! This is but one example of how our government was arranged where money talks and  a lot of crap walks. If you want to be heard or have something done your way, all that matters is money. It doesn't matter if its right or wrong or morally unethical. Just so long as those with money aren't inconvenienced.
    What I learned reading this article was all that was at bat in the Gore v. Bush race of the 2000 Presidential Election. This was my first time voting and I had voted for Nader. Retrospectively, I wish I would have voted for Gore. As any reasonable person with an IQ of over 55 or an income of under a million should have voted for Gore. I do consider Gore a stronghold for the environment and that he has used his power in a way a to convey the message that the time for action is now. Bush, a for letter word, is perhaps the anti-Christ incarnate.
   Interesting: Only a true friend will tell you what you don't want to hear: and that is that you will loose the election because of Homestead.
   I had also attended a Ralph Nader rally and participated in the shaking hands and kissing babies act. He is a phenomonal speaker with a lot of ideas that I think would really appeal to the younger generations, should they choose to listen.
    Even though the end of the article boasts it being a big success for the Everglades as well as ecosystems everywhere, I am not so sure. The politics into the politics is saddening if not sickening. The money talks aspect will never die. And that's the bottom dollar.

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