Monday, September 19, 2011

Apocalypto: Reflection 7

The current population growth is expanding so quickly I believe a possible multi-continent collapse is possible. There  is some breaking point to what the earth can produce. Being able to manage the earth's resources is key to pushing that breaking point as far into the future as possible. I don't want my fate to be reduced to a pile of rubble in time so far removed that the collapse of an empire isn't even remembered. As Mary Shelley would say "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair." Bummer.
The book says that ecocide has now come to over shadow nuclear war and disease. Although I worry about biological warfare and super flu's more frequently than most, and probably more than recommended (hey an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and my dream job is the CDC what do you expect from me?), it is the well being of the planet that I ponder every day and with almost every action. And for me it is hard to remain optimistic.  Not only is the changes and damages that humans afflicted been severe and scarring, now knowing what we do now know, how is this not a pressing issue on everyone's agenda? I don't know if people as a whole are too stupid, too lazy, or just don't think that it effects them that causes them to remain so detached and empathetic. Modern humans are hardly the last line of the last paragraph in the book of time and look at the damages we have done. Can man, the worlds most advanced and intelligent species, be the downfall of the planet? (my upstairs neighbor walks by a with a heaping trash bag as I realize I've never seen her with recycling. Thanks dumb $#@&% for further illustrating my point). And I lose my train of thought. Do people think that we now have to technology to fix the damage rather than prevent it? A shield to keep some of the sun out, a giant freezer to drop big blocks of ice into the poles again. Sounds like sci-fi. 
Just as these problems have happened day by day, the best way we can seek to counteract their catastrophic effects is to do it day by day. Recycle, be a smart consumer, live minimally, be and be politically active. 
If you have ever seen Apocalypto, a society who manages the natural resources well is threatened when a neighboring tribe needs blood for sacrifice to the sun gods. A few survivors make it thorough the tribulations and just when everything is about back to normal ships arrive. As we know, the Mayan's were wiped off the planet. If it's not one thing its another and just when you think you've covered your bases you may be surprised at what's about to happen next. 
The picture I selected for this entry is post apocalypse Tokyo. 

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